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Lead Paint Inspection/Testing


The state mandated Lead Paint Program is ran by the Maryland Department of the Environment. This law established states that any property built prior to 1978, that is used as a rental property must meet one of the inspection standards and have a Lead Paint Certificate. There are a few types of Lead Paint Certificates that can be acquired to satisfy the MDE requirements. Below are the main four that most landlords will aquire and what is needed to aquire them.


Lead Free Inspections


In order to attain a Lead Free Inspection certificate, the property must be inspected with an XRF according to the Maryland Department of the Environment requirements for Lead Free inspections. To be considered lead free in the state of Maryland, readings must be 0.7mg/cm2 or below using the XRF, or 0.5% by paint chip sample.

Once the entire property (inside and out) has been inspected with an XRF and found to have no elevated levels of Lead Paint, the property is then considered to be Lead Free and a certificate can be issued on the property. Once a Lead Free certificate has been issued, for the life of the property, there never has to be another Lead Paint Inspection performed. This certificate can be transferred with the sale of the property.


Limited Lead Free Inspections


A Limited Lead Free inspection is the same as a Lead Free inspection, the only difference is the exterior is allowed to have elevated levels of Lead paint as long as the exterior painted surfaces  have been visually inspected and are free of peeling, chipping or flaking paint. If the property meets these requirements, then can a Limited Lead Free certificate be issued on the property. This Limited Lead Free certificate is good for two years and must be re-inspected for any peeling, chipping or flaking paint. Once the property passes, and meets all the above requirements, a form will be sent to MDE indicating that the property has met the requirements and the Limited Lead Free certificate will remain in effect.



Full Risk Reduction


A Full Risk Ruduction Inspection consists of inspecting the interior and exterior visually for any peeling, chipping or flaking paint. Once it's determined that all painted surfaces are in good condition, (interior & exterior)  the process of dust wipe sampeling can take place. Once the dust wipe samples are taken, they are sent to an accredited lab. If all lead dust test results come back where there isn't elevated levels, then we can issue a Full Risk Reduction certificate. If any test results fail, we will need to retest the failed areas after they have been properly cleaned.



Visual Inspections


Prior to receiving a Visual Inspection certificate, several steps need to be addressed pertaining to the property. These steps must be completed by an accredited Lead Paint Supervisor or Lead Paint Contractor. There must not be any peeling, chipping or flaking paint on the interior or exterior of the property. Once the proper steps have been completed by an accredited Lead Paint Supervisor or Contractor, a supervisor's statement of work must be issued by the contractor that completed the work. Lastly, an accredited Lead paint inspector has to inspect the property to confirm all work has been completed properly. A certificate is issued if the property passes.









Lead can be found in the soil outside of your home which can affect all occupants of the dwelling including your children, pets and food!

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